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The Hobbies that I have picked up/ Things I've done in the house

During the Coronavirus pandemic, I have picked up a couple of Hobbies. They are very different from each other and they each have different purposes for me.


One of them is baking or making sweet treats. For the first week/ 2 weeks this was all I was doing, for now I can't make anything else as we don't have any space in the cupboards or the fridge as my mum is also doing some baking. 

It started with my friend Ruth making jelly and that then inspired me to make a flan, which then made my sister want to make some sweet things (fudge, cake, flan). From there other people got involved with making and baking because we were posting the process of doing it. We have made a group chat on Snapchat so that after all of this is over we can go round to one of our houses and spend the day making things.

Another of the hobbies that I've gained isn't something that you would usually pick up. It's very different from what other people would try and learn or take up. I have been learning about Tarot Cards and learning how to do readings. 

If you don't know what they are then basically they are a way of helping people get answers to questions through interpreting what the cards mean.

I have been practicing them and learning how to understand them in different readings/situations. It is a struggle but I am pursuing it as much as I can.

The third Hobby is going for walks which has it's own page:

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