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Project 2

Project 2 has been a very interesting task and it has given me a lot of experience in this field of work. It has been a fun way to get involved and show off what I can do. I am very happy with what I have come out knowing and I am also happy with how much I have progressed with my work. I have worked very hard on it and hope that this shows through how much time and effort has been put into every aspect of my work. In project 2 I have been able to complete evaluations and weekly diaries that were important to my course. 

The photos above are three that are most important to the project, the first is the logo for the record label that we have made as part of our project, the second is the cover for the track that was produced and the third is a picture of my partner for the project and me. 

I have a website for the record label that I am still progressing with and I am still going to updating it with information and new releases. Link:

This is the link to the finished track on Bandcamp

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