Due to Coronavirus, we are having to isolate ourselves to help stop the spread of the deadly virus. This then means that we are unable to carry out our original Final Major project ideas. We are having to adapt to these drastic times and we are having to create new ideas that we can do online and share with the public through the internet. I have thought of a few ideas that will get the public to come together as a family and also to do things that will help people with bad mental health get through these tough times.
My first idea is to set up a Facebook page that will be run by me and also my mum as we will be collaborating for this first idea. The rundown of the idea is to create a Facebook page that we will give challenges to families, 10+, and we will be updating these every week to give families something to do. These will be aimed towards families with young children and will hopefully be a page where they will post the results of the challenges set. I hope that this will also bring the families together to do them.
Possible Challenges that may have to be faced could include:
1. People not getting involved
2. People not being able to post due to privacy and other situations
3. Some people mocking it and putting people off of getting involved
4. Not having enough challenges
We will have to deal with the challenges that arise with caution as there will be children involved.
My second idea is to create a weekly podcast with two of my friends which has already been planned out. There will be a series of 10 episodes and then a few weeks off so they are mini-series and it gives us enough time to think of the next 10 podcast ideas. The first 10 will be laid out like this:
1. How we met each other/An Intro to who we are/Our Hobbies
2. A fun episode/Telling stories/Just having a chat about life
3. About Mental Health - to do with us and others
4. Another fun episode
5. A follow-up about mental health and how we are coping/how we cooped with Corona
6. Another fun episode
7. About past relationships/Friendships that were abusive/unhealthy
8. Another fun episode
9. One about our college lives/How we find it
10. An end of season episode
We have rules set in place for the more serious episodes that we will do so as not to harm anyone’s mental health.
The rules:
1. Any subject to do with mental health will not be pushed, you can ask questions but not keep pushing for an answer
2. Any questions asked in the comments/to our personal accounts will remain anonymous so we don’t put anyone at risk and we respect people’s privacy.
3. When talking about relationships we will not disclose any names to keep the person safe/We will only talk about the situations that we have been put in personally and we are not to embellish anything.
4. We all have our own way of dealing with our mental health and we, as a group, deal with it by making a few jokes so we will have to put a disclaimer and a possible trigger warning for people struggling.
We have put these in place and we will be sticking to this thoroughly so as not to offend or harm people.
Challenges that we may face are:
1. Sound issues due to not having the proper equipment accessible like we would at college
2. Feedback issues also due to not having the proper equipment
3. Some people not being able to record their sections
4. Some people not being able to transfer the recordings to me
5. Having too little content
6. Having too much content
7. While editing, there could be possible time differences
8. Not being able to get the correct software to edit
9. A possible lack of listeners
We will be able to deal with some of these challenges and overcome them, while others we will just have to work with and attempt to get the best possible results that we can.
My final idea is to create a blog that will half be its own thing and half run alongside the podcast. It will be something that we will do possibly as a group or I will do it on my own. I would like to do it as a group because it would give the people following it a wider range of things to relate to and comment on. However, I still need to work on this idea which I will be doing for the rest of the week and next week while also working on the other ideas.
Challenges there could be:
1. Not being able to find the correct website to do this
2. Not being able to find things to write daily
3. Not having a following for it
4. People mocking the posts and if they are of sensitive topics, people getting triggered by the people mocking or the actual posts
Some challenges will be easier to overcome than others and I will deal with them accordingly.
I think that my ideas could be successful when they are exposed to the right audiences and age groups. The first idea will be on Facebook where most parents are so that they have ideas to do with their children and can bring the family together instead of children just sitting in front of a TV, an IPad, an Xbox or a PlayStation. The second idea will be put out to streaming services such as YouTube and SoundCloud which will be directed at teens and young adults as they will relate to it a lot more than other audiences. The third will go out to something like WordPress or another blogging site so that it is accessible to all ages and I will probably be under an alias if I choose to do it alone.
Software that could be used for the podcast:
1. Castbox
-This would be good to use especially when we have a following as it would allow us to do live shows and interact with the followers. It would also allow us to publish pre-recorded shows meaning it would be good to use alongside SoundCloud and YouTube as it would give us a wider following
2. Mixcloud
-Mixcloud is one that I want to further research as it would be good to use as an addition to the streaming sites, however, I believe that I need to research it and view the audience that it brings in and see if that fits with the topics that we are producing
3. GarageBand
-This could be a possible way to edit the podcasts as it runs similarly to Logic that we use at the college, however, it is only compatible with Apple products and I will only be able to use it on my phone due to not owning a Mac
4. Audacity
-This would be a more viable software to use for me as it is familiar to me and I have used it previously meaning that I have a brief understanding of it and I will be able to use it as it is compatible with my computer